Reynolds Workspace

Reynolds Workspace

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Your address details must be those detailed on your bank statement. Please ensure all required fields are filled in correctly.
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Terms & Conditions (Must read & accept Terms & Conditions to continue)

Reynolds Fitness Spa and Retreat - Terms and Conditions of Membership

Membership is conditional upon observance of these rules and regulations. If there is any matter you do not understand, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff. Reynolds Fitness Spas reserves the right to alter these rules and regulations at any time. Alterations shall be posted on the Club notice board. Any dispute or indifference that may arise regarding the interpretation of the rules and regulations shall be determined by Reynolds, whose decision shall be final and binding.

1. Membership Categories:

(a) Signature: The club can be used at all times while the club is open. Membership will also include access to our member's app. Members can book our group co-working space at any time subject to availability. Membership will also include access to our member's app. Limited to 10 sessions per month.

(b) Work In, Work Out: The club can be used at all times while the club is open. Members can book our group co-working space at any time subject to availability. Membership will also include access to our member's app. Limited to 10 days per month.

(c) Work In, Work Out+: The club can be used at all times while the club is open. Members benefit from a dedicated desk in our group co-working space. Membership will also include access to our member's app

(d) Massage Membership: This entitles one 55-minute massage per month from the selected massages available. The massage cannot be rolled over to other months, given to another person, used against packages or be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Does not include use of the Fitness Spa.

(e) Reynolds Spa Loyalty Card: No access to Spa Facilities. 12 month membership. Includes one Day Pass at each Reynolds Location. One 25 minute Spa Treatment. 20% off Reynolds Service. Visit webiste for full Terms and Conditions of Loyalty Card membership. 

(f) Rainham Workspace Dedicated Desk. Members benefit from a dedicated desk in our group co-working space. Membership will also include access to our member's app

(g) Rainham Workspace Flexible Bookings: Members can book our group co-working space at any time subject to availability. Membership will also include access to our member's app. Limited to 10 days per month.


(a). Individual Membership: Available to anyone over the age of 18.

(b) Corporate: Available to Companies with an existing agreement in place with Reynolds. For new corporate membership please contact Club Manager. 

(c) Friends and Family Membership. Only available on Signature membership. Should the Reynolds Employee linked to your Friends and Family no longer be employed by Reynolds. Your membership will increase to current Signature rate being charged at your specific club. 

(d) Members can link additional members to the same direct debit payment if residing at the same address. Proof of address will be required. 

(e) Use of certain facilities at the club is subject to payment of the current tariff charges which are additional to the membership fees.


2. Changing your membership fees and this agreement

(a) We may increase membership fees automatically each year by up to either 1% above the rate of inflation according to the Retail Prices Index

or 10%, whichever is higher. Membership increases take place on or around 1st April every year. We will give you a minimum of 10 days' notice by email. 

(b) If we plan to increase the membership fees by more than the higher of these amounts, we will make every reasonable effort to give you at least

one month’s notice. We will give you notice of the change by email.

(c) As well as the increase described above, we have the right to increase membership fees at any time to take account of any increase in the rate of

VAT. We will make every reasonable effort to give you one month’s notice of the increase (either by email or by displaying a sign on the noticeboard in

your club).

3. Membership Agreement:

These rules and regulations form part of each membership agreement with Reynolds Fitness Spa's.

4. Membership Cards:

4.1 Each member will be issued with a membership card, which must be used each time a member enters the club. The Membership Card is non-transferable.

4.2 If the Membership Card is lost, a new one will be issued, at a cost of £5.00.

5. Membership Details:
(a) 12-month membership runs for a minimum initial term of 12 months from the date of joining and will continue indefinitely until notification is received in writing to cancel from you at least 4 weeks before your renewal date, after which time your membership will be subject to a 2-month full paid notice period. We do not Pro-rata Cancellation notice period.

(b) Flexible membership runs for a minimum initial term of 3 months from the date of joining and will continue indefinitely until notification is received in writing to cancel from you at least 4 weeks before your renewal date, after which time your membership will be subject to a 2-month full paid notice period. We do not Pro-rata Cancellation notice period.

(c) No Commitment membership will run indefinitely until notice of cancellation is received. You can cancel your memebrship at any time, the cut-off for canceling the direct debit is the 24th of the month. Cancellation requests received after this time will be processed the following month. Reynolds will not refund any membership fees for cancellations made between 25th and 31st of any month. 

(d) Massage or Beauty Treatment Add-On This entitles you to a voucher (to the value of £50) per month. The treatments cannot be rolled over to other months, given to another person, used against packages or be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion.

Personal Training Add-On This entitles you to one 60 minute personal training session per month. The session cannot be rolled over to other months, given to another person, used against packages or be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion.

(e) 12- month contract membership fees can be paid annually by cheque/cash or credit card, or monthly by Direct Debit. Direct Debit payments are taken on or soon after the 1st of each month. (Monthly installments include an 8% charge)

(f) We do not give a refund to Members who pay by annual subscription. We do not give refunds for non-usage of the club. It is the individual member’s choice to use or not to use the facilities provided.

(g) 12- month contract memberships can be transferred to another person, but that person will have to pay an £30 transfer fee as a new member.

(h) Joint Memberships – Head Payer: This member signs the direct debit form and pays the membership fees for all members. As the head payer they are responsible for all membership payments to Reynolds. Should any member(s) stop using the club the head payer is still liable for all membership fee payable under the terms of the contract.

(i) Corporate memberships: The individual membership fee is based on the amount of people in the corporate. Depending on the price band, membership fees will go up if the number of people in the corporate reduces enough to enter a different price band, conversely the membership fees will reduce if the number of people in the corporate increases to the next price band. For full details of pricing bands please ask in club. You will be notified at least 10 days before your next payment is due that your membership fee is going to change.

(j) Club Closures. Should the club or any of the facilities within the club be closed for a period of time due to circumstances, such as essential maintenance, club improvement, local and national restrictions. Full payment will still be collected for your membership. When Reynolds feels necessary certain suspension options may be made available. Reynolds decision should be final and biding.

6. Cancellation of Membership:

6.1 Your membership cannot be cancelled within your initial term (3 or 12 months) with the exception of the following:

(a) Illness – you can cancel with immediate effect and no penalty on the grounds of ill health, however, a doctor’s certificate will be required.

(b) Moving out of the area – This only applies if your move takes you further than 10 miles from the club. Proof of move is required and a cancellation fee equal to 2 months' payments will be required.

6.2 After the initial term you are no longer under contract and can cancel at any time by giving 2 months full paid notice. Notice must be received in writing. We do not Pro-rata Cancellation notice period. Club facilities can still be used during the notice period.

6.3 For any notice of cancellation sent to the club by post, you must retain proof of postage, or for hand delivery a receipt from the club.

6.4 Cooling off period. You can cancel your membership within 10 days of joining by resigning in writing to the club manager. This 10 day period commences from the members join date on the members client details.  Any monies paid will be fully refunded. The cooling off period does not apply and can not be enforced if you utilize the club within those 10 days

7. Freezing Memberships: 

Membership can be 'frozen' for a maximum of 3 months (paying £10.00 per person per month) for the following reasons: 

(a) Injury - Written proof of the injury is required 
(b) Out of the area - if you are out of the country or away on business. However, only applies if you are away for more than one month. Written proof is required. 
(c) Un-employment - Proof of unemployment is required 
(d) Memberships cannot be frozen for holidays.

The freeze period does not reduce the fees due or the length of the initial term of membership, it simply puts it on hold. The initial term will be extended by the length of the freeze period. 

At the end of the set 'freeze' period, the membership will automatically unfreeze and normal payment will resume.

8. Defaulting on subscriptions:

If you default on your monthly subscription you will not be allowed access to the club until the defaulted payment has been made. All defaulted payments incur a £5.00/person surcharge per month.

If defaulted subscriptions are not paid or subscriptions are continuously defaulted you could have your membership cancelled and become liable for the remaining balance of your membership in full. Should it be necessary for Reynolds to pass a debt onto a collection agency an additional charge of £40 will be added to the outstanding debt.

9. Conduct:

9.1. Reynolds Fitness Spa's reserves the right to refuse entry into the club, to anyone whose behavior or appearance is deemed by it to be unsuitable.

9.2. Members are asked to show consideration for one another in the club in particular, profane or abusive language and the threat or use of violence will not be tolerated.

9.3. Members are asked to wear appropriate clothing at all times (i.e. tracksuits, shorts, leotards, trainers etc.) Jeans or clothing with studs will not be allowed to be worn in the Gym.

9.4. No crockery or glassware is allowed in the Gym or Changing area in the interest of safety.

9.5. Pets (with the exception of Guide Dogs) are not permitted in the club.

9.6. A member shall be liable for any damage caused directly or indirectly to property on the premises as a result of any act of default on the part of the member. The member shall immediately pay for and make good the damage.

10. Liability:

10.1 Reynolds Fitness Spa's  liability for damage or loss to Members or Guests property, is strictly limited to any damage or loss suffered as a result of negligence of Reynolds Fitness Spas, it's Staff or it's agents. With this exception Reynolds Fitness Spa's will not accept liability for the safety of Members or Guests personal property brought onto the clubs premises.

Property stored in lockers provided at the club is stored at the Members risk and no liability will be accepted by Reynolds Fitness Spa's. Vehicles parked in the car parks at the club or elsewhere at the club and all contents in them are left on the clubs premises at the owners risk and Reynolds Fitness Spas will except no liability whatsoever in respect of any loss or damage, (however caused), to them.

10.2 Reynolds Fitness Spas cannot accept any liability for any accident or injury to any member, child or guest that may occur on the premises or within the grounds of the club other

than liability which may arise from the negligence of Reynolds Fitness Spa's it's staff or it's agents. Any member or guest who suffers an accident or injury on the club premises must

report the accident or injury, and the circumstances under which it occurred to a member of the Reynolds Team immediately following the accident or injury.

10.3 Members should not undertake any physical activity for which they might not be medically fit, and are responsible for monitoring their condition during physical activity. Reynolds Fitness Spas will not be in any way responsible for harm to a member as a result of his or her undertaking any activity that is beyond their physical capability unless caused by the negligence of Reynolds Fitness Spa agents. By signing up to membership you agree to Health Commitment Statement outlined at the bottom of the Terms  

11. Physical Activity:

11.1 All new members are advised to spend at least one session with a Reynolds Fitness Spa's Fitness Instructor: (In order for a suitable safe exercise programme to be designed)

11.2 Members should note that there is a potential risk of physical injury when using any equipment. If any member or member's guest is in any way unsure or concerned about using any piece of equipment, they should seek advice and assistance from a member of the staff before using it.

11.3 In certain circumstances a Reynolds Fitness Spa's Fitness Instructor may require additional medical information from a member's doctor in order that the correct and safe exercise programme can be prescribed. All club users have a duty to report any medical condition that may affect their participation in an exercise programme.

12. Lockers:

12.1 Reynolds Fitness Spa's reserves the right to remove the contents from any locker left overnight. Reynolds Fitness Spa's will not be responsible for contents removed from a locker.

12.2 Reynolds Fitness Spa's will not be responsible for the loss of any valuables left in the lockers, you leave them in the locker at your own risk.

13. Pool Safety and Rules:

13.1 Please observe these rules on poolside: No diving, no jumping, no acrobatics, no snorkels or flippers, no rough play, no running, no food or alcohol, no glassware, no recording equipment or mobiles and no petting.

13.2 Please shower before entering pool, always use the steps and handrail to enter and exit the pool, be mindful of the pillars within pool, if you are a lone swimmer please let reception know, if you feel unwell at any time you must immediately let reception know or by gaining attention of another individual. 

14. Miscellaneous:

14.1 Any lost property found should be immediately handed into the club reception. Items will be held for 4 weeks only, before being given to a local charity.

14.2 Certain facilities may be closed on occasions for repair or improvements. Wherever possible notice will be given of such occasional closures in the health club reception area. Every effort will be made to keep all areas open during the year, but both routine and urgent maintenance work and facility upgrades will be necessary to keep the facilities in good condition.

14.3 Under the terms of the Data Protection Act we are required to inform you that the membership information is held on a computer for management information and our own membership purposes.

14.4 The club will employ adequate staff to manage the facilities during all the opening hours but does not guarantee that all areas will be constantly supervised.

14.5 24 hours notice is required to cancel an appointment booking (e.g. PT, Massage etc) should this notice not be given you will be liable for 100% of the treatment/booking cost.

14.6 From time to time, we will use images taken in our clubs across all of our Social Media platforms to advertise the club. If for any reason you wish for images of yourself not to be used, please notify the team when the images are being taken. You can ask for any image of yourself to be removed from our platforms at any time. Should we use images for marketing persons other than social media we will ask to complete a model consent form, 

14.7 The owner reserves the right to amend the rules and terms and conditions at any time and without notice to individual members. Notification of any such changes will be posted on the club notice boards.

14.8 The exercise to music class timetable is subject to change as and when required. We complete a full timetable review every 3 months. 

14.9 Any course of treatments/PT purchased are non-refundable, unless Reynolds discontinues the service paid for, or for the reason of ill health however a doctor's certificate will be required.

Health Commitment Statement


Our Commitment To You

We will respect your personal decisions and allow you to make your own decisions about what exercise you can carry out. However, we ask you not to exercise beyond what you consider to be your own abilities.

We will make every reasonable effort to make sure that our recommended set up for exercising is safe for you to follow and enjoy.

We will take all reasonable steps to make sure that our staff are qualified to the fitness industry standards as set out by the register of exercise professionals.

If you tell us that you have a disability which puts you at a substantial disadvantage in accessing or enjoying our facilities, we will consider what adjustments, if any, are reasonable for us to make, to accommodate your participation.


Your Commitment to us

You should not exercise beyond your own abilities. If you know or are concerned that you have a medical condition which might interfere with you exercising safely before you participate in one of our services or activities you should obtain advice from a relevant medical professional and follow that advice. You should always exercise within your own comfort level and amend your intensity or take more recovery where necessary for you.

You should make yourself aware of any rules and instructions, including warning notices. Exercise carries its own risks. You should not carry out any activities which you have been told are not suitable for you.

If you are new to a certain class or activity, please join the class at least 10 minutes prior to the start time to seek out additional advice prior to commencing the activity.

You should always participate in the full workout which includes any relevant set up, coaching session, warm up and cool down. You should stay adequately hydrated during any class activity.

You should let us know immediately if you feel ill when participating in one of our live activities. Our staff members are not qualified doctors, but if participating in a live class please indicate your discomfort to the instructor.

If you have a disability, you must follow any reasonable instructions to allow you to exercise safely.

Payment schedule

Direct Debit Instructions

Please print off and retain for your records.

Name of account holder:

Bank / Building Society Sort Code:

Account Number:


Instruction to your bank / building society
to pay by Direct Debit.

Service User Number:

Instruction to your bank or building society:

Please pay REYNOLDS FITNESS SPAS Direct Debits from the account detailed in this instruction, subject to safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee.

I understand that this instruction may remain with REYNOLDS FITNESS SPAS and details will be passed electronically to my bank / building society.

Direct Debit Guarantee

The Direct Debit Guarantee

  • This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits.
  • If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit REYNOLDS FITNESS SPAS will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request REYNOLDS FITNESS SPAS to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of request.
  • If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by REYNOLDS FITNESS SPAS or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society.
    • If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when REYNOLDS FITNESS SPAS asks you to.
  • You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify REYNOLDS FITNESS SPAS.

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