Redworth Hall Hotel

Redworth Hall Hotel

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Terms & Conditions (Must read & accept Terms & Conditions to continue)

<p></p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </p><p><b>Terms and Conditions of Health Club Membership</b></p><p><b>1.0 The Cairn Group Health and Leisure Clubs</b></p><p>1.1 The Cairn Group Health and Leisure Clubs, herein referred to as the Club, are operated by The Cairn Group (the Proprietor).</p><p>1.2 All entrance fees, subscriptions, and other receipts shall become the property of the Proprietor. No refund will be made to the member of any part of the initial subscription fee or monthly membership fee payments upon cancellation or termination of any membership.</p><p>1.3 It is a condition of acceptance of membership that the member agrees to pay the initial subscription fee and agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions.</p><p><b>2.0 Payment</b></p><p>2.1 The initial subscription fee must be submitted either:</p><p>2.1.1 in full on acceptance by the Club Management of an application for membership; or</p><p>2.1.2 By entering into an approved Club payment plan on the day of joining. Fees are payable monthly regardless of usage.</p><p>2.2 All Club members agree to maintain membership for the minimum period as stated within their membership application from the date of joining. In the event of the member terminating membership during this period, the member agrees to immediately pay a cancellation fee as set as a minimum of 50% of the remaining membership fees owed.</p><p>2.3 The Proprietor reserves the right to specify or amend the form in which payment shall be made, e.g., from banker’s standing order to direct debit.</p><p>2.4 If you have signed an agreed Monthly Payment by Direct Debit or any other means, the following conditions apply:</p><p>2.4.1 If either your monthly Direct Debit or any form of monthly payment is not honoured for any reason, you shall pay the Club on demand, an administration fee of up to £20 for each transaction failure (to be charged or waived at our discretion) along with any other outstanding membership fees.</p><p>2.4.2 It is not the Club’s responsibility for any disputes between the member and their bank.</p><p>2.4.3 It is the member’s responsibility to advise us immediately in writing of any change to your banking or payment details, or any other changes to member’s details.</p><p>2.4.4 If you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement for a period of more than 30 days, then all outstanding payments may be passed to a third party for collection. Any additional costs incurred will be borne by the individual who the membership agreement is with, including costs in tracing you, should you have changed your address without written notification to the Club Manager.</p><p><b>3.0 Membership/Assignment</b></p><p>3.1 The Proprietor reserves the right to reject any application for membership of the Club without giving any prior notice.</p><p>3.2 Membership is personal to the member at the Club premises for which membership is granted and cannot be transferred.</p><p>3.3 The Proprietor may assign the benefit of this agreement to any person, firm, or company at any time and will use its reasonable endeavours to give each member prior written notice of any assignment.</p><p>3.4 <b>Membership Types</b></p><p>3.4.1<b> Single Peak Membership</b>: Available to individuals aged 18 years and over, granting full access to club facilities during regular operating hours.</p><p>3.4.2 <b>Single Off-Peak Membership</b>: Available to individuals aged 18 years and over, granting access to club facilities during off-peak hours (9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday).</p><p>3.4.3 <b>Joint Peak Membership</b>: Available for two individuals, aged 16 years and over, granting full access to club facilities during regular operating hours.</p><p>3.4.4 <b>Joint Off-Peak Membership</b>: Available for two individuals, aged 18 years and over, granting access to club facilities during off-peak hours (9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday).</p><p>3.4.5 <b>Child Membership</b>: For children under 18 years of age who are permanently resident in the household of members.</p><p>3.4.6 <b>Family Membership:</b> Available for two adult members and up to four children under 16 years from the same address.</p><p>3.4.7 <b>Flex Membership</b>: A flexible membership valid for 3 months, granting access during peak hours.</p><p>3.4.8 <b>Annual Membership</b>:. membership valid for 12 months, granting access during peak hours</p><p><b>4.0 Fees</b></p><p>4.1 An initial subscription fee and monthly membership fee (which may change from time to time) shall be payable for each class of membership. The Club Management shall give 30 (thirty) days' written notice of any changes in the monthly membership fee through email channels. Separate charges will apply for beauty therapy and bar/restaurant facilities not included in the monthly membership fee.</p><p>4.2 The Club Management has the right to increase the monthly membership fee once in the contracted period. Notifications of price increases will be sent to members through email channels.</p><p><b>5.0 Admission to the Club Premises</b></p><p>5.1 Membership of the Club is exclusive to Redworth Hall and cannot be transferred or used to access any other leisure club within the group without prior arrangement and at the discretion of the site Leisure Club Manager or General Manager.</p><p>5.2 Access to the Club is available during the published opening hours, which the Redworth Hall Leisure Club has the right to vary with prior notice.</p><p><b>6.0 Termination</b></p><p>6.1 Membership may be terminated by the Club Management or the Proprietor:</p><p>6.1.1 Without notice in the event of such member committing a serious or repeated breach of the Club rules (as may be amended from time to time), e.g., verbal or physical abuse to staff or bringing unauthorised guests into the club;</p><p>6.1.2 By notice in writing if any payment owing to the Club by the member remains unpaid for 30 (thirty) days after the due date of payment;</p><p>6.1.3 Upon not less than 30 (thirty) days' notice in writing if the Proprietor believes that the member(s) is not a suitable individual for continued membership of the Club.</p><p>6.2 Membership may be terminated by the member:</p><p>6.2.1 On giving at least 1 (one) calendar month's written notice to the Club Management, to expire on or any day after the first anniversary of the date of joining;</p><p><b>7.0 Guests</b></p><p>7.1 Members escorting guests to the Club premises shall ensure that guests complete a guest pass or pay the current guest fee.</p><p>7.2 Guests must always be accompanied by the member introducing them, who will be responsible for their guests' actions and safety whilst on the Club premises.</p><p>7.3 No more than 2 (two) guests may be introduced to the Club at any one time by the same member. Prior approval may be granted by the Club Management for additional guest entry.</p><p>7.4 Guests with a valid guest pass will have the same membership privileges as the member escorting them and will be subject to the same rules. Management may refuse entry to any guest without giving any reason. Guest charges and admission hours may vary from time to time.</p><p><b>8.0 Children</b></p><p>8.1 Child members may use certain facilities (as determined by the Club Management). Child members must be accompanied by the adult member at all times, who will be responsible for the child's conduct, safety, and supervision. The hours during which children may be admitted may vary from time to time.</p><p>8.2 Child members under 16 years of age may only use the swimming pool with adult supervision. Children’s swim times are from 8 am to 10 am and 2 pm to 6 pm. During school holidays, these afternoons can be busy with families.</p><p><b>9.0 Dress</b></p><p>9.1 Appropriate dress must be worn at all times on the Club premises and during activity classes. Trainers must be worn when using the equipment in the Club gymnasium.</p><p><b>10.0 Reservations</b></p><p>10.1 All reservations for services and/or programmes shall be made up to 1 (one) week in advance. A minimum of 24 (twenty-four) hours' notice is required to cancel any such reservations. Shorter notice will result in a charge of the full amount unless the appointment can be refilled.</p><p>10.2 The Club Management may refuse to rebook a member who repeatedly cancels or fails to keep an appointment for the Club services and/or programmes.</p><p><b>11.0 Conduct of Members</b></p><p>11.1 Members and guests are expected to behave in an orderly fashion at all times whilst on Club premises. Any damage to Club property shall be paid for by the member (or their guest) responsible.</p><p>11.2 No alcohol or food may be brought onto the Club premises, and smoking is strictly forbidden anywhere on Club premises.</p><p>11.3 Members and their guests must shower prior to entering the swimming pool, whirlpool, steam, or sauna areas and again upon leaving these areas and before re-entering the pool or whirlpool.</p><p>11.4 Members may not enter the Club under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances.</p><p><b>12.0 Disclaimer of Liability</b></p><p>12.1 All members and guests use the Club at their own risk. Neither the Proprietor nor any company within the Cairn Group of companies, nor agents or employees of either, shall be liable for:</p><p>12.1.1 The personal injury or death of any member or guest whilst on the Club premises or using Club facilities, except to the extent that death or personal injury arises from any negligent act or omission of the Proprietor or any agent or employee of the Proprietor; or</p><p>12.1.2 Any loss, damage, or theft of personal property belonging to the member or any guest occurring on Club premises.</p><p>12.2 Members and/or guests are advised to undergo a medical examination prior to beginning any physical activity programme. Members with diabetes, heart disease, high or low blood pressure, or who are pregnant should consult with their doctor to check which Club facilities should not be used.</p><p><b>13.0 Restriction/Closure of Club Facilities</b></p><p>13.1 The Club Management reserves the right to show potential members around the Club premises and allow them to use the Club facilities from time to time.</p><p>13.2 The hours during which the Club premises are open for use by members will be shown to members on joining. Members will be given reasonable prior notice of any intended closure for additional cleaning requirements (not day-to-day cleaning) or staff training requirements.</p><p>13.3 The Proprietor and Club Management will use their reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Club facilities are in working order and available for use by members during such times as the Club premises are open. There may be occasions when Club facilities are out of order or unavailable for reasons beyond the control of the Proprietor, such as servicing or refurbishment. Member entitlement to use facilities is therefore limited to those available at the time they wish to use them.</p><p><b>14.0 Any Disputes</b></p><p>14.1 Any dispute or indifference which may arise regarding the interpretation of these terms and conditions shall be determined by the Proprietor, whose decision shall be final.</p><p><b>15.0 Temporary Membership Freeze</b></p><p>15.1 Membership freeze is permitted for medical procedures if notified within 30 days and supported by proof. The membership fee will be frozen from the next membership payment, and the remaining contracted period will resume upon reactivation.</p><p>15.2 Other membership freezes, not related to illness or injury, are subject to the manager's discretion with a minimum term of 2 (two) months. Members must provide 1 (one) calendar month's written notice.</p><p><b>16.0 Waiver</b></p><p>16.1 The failure of the Proprietor to enforce any of its rights at any time for any period shall not be construed as a waiver of such rights.</p><p><b>17.0 Severability</b></p><p>17.1 If any of these terms and conditions are found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other items and conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect.</p><p>17.2 If any of these terms and conditions is so found to be invalid or unenforceable if some part of the provision were deleted, the provision in question shall apply with such modification as may be necessary to make it valid and enforceable.</p><p>I have read and understood the above and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of Health and Leisure Membership and the rules and regulations referred to above.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><br></p>

Payment schedule

Direct Debit Instructions

Please print off and retain for your records.

Name of account holder:

Bank / Building Society Sort Code:

Account Number:


Instruction to your bank / building society
to pay by Direct Debit.

Service User Number:

Instruction to your bank or building society:

Please pay Minhoco 70 LD trading as Redworth Hall Direct Debits from the account detailed in this instruction, subject to safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee.

I understand that this instruction may remain with Minhoco 70 LD trading as Redworth Hall and details will be passed electronically to my bank / building society.

Direct Debit Guarantee

The Direct Debit Guarantee

  • This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that take part in the Direct Debit Scheme. The efficiency and security of the Scheme is monitored and protected by your bank or building society.
  • If the amounts to be paid or the payment dates change, Minhoco 70 LD trading as Redworth Hall will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed.
  • If an error is made by Minhoco 70 LD trading as Redworth Hall or your bank or building society, you are guaranteed a full and immediate refund from your branch for the amount paid.
  • You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by writing to your bank or building society. Please also send a copy of your letter to Minhoco 70 LD trading as Redworth Hall .

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