The Health Club

The Health Club

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Terms & Conditions (Must read & accept Terms & Conditions to continue)

Health Club members of Ribby Hall Village are bound as a condition   of their membership to comply with the terms and conditions of their membership set out below, ensuring that all Ribby Hall Village facilities are properly and safely used, and that all members are able to take full advantage of all facilities without detracting from the enjoyment of others.

Preliminaries - Ribby Hall Village is located at: Ribby Road, Wrea Green, near Blackpool, Lancashire, PR4 2PR. Ribby Hall Village’s objective is to provide sport and leisure facilities. The proprietor will provide the premises and everything reasonably necessary for the operation of all sport & leisure facilities, in accordance with the objects and rules and will be solely responsible for all expenses connected therewith, including engagement and payment of servants and all other matters involving the collection and disbursement of monies. The proprietor may delegate the management and running of the Health Club facilities to such of his staff as he may deem fit and such delegation shall confer all the powers of the proprietor expressed or implied in these rules on such staff.

Membership - All applications for membership shall be in writing and membership of Ribby Hall Village Health Club facilities may be conferred on any person approved by or on behalf of the proprietor. Membership is non-transferable. All junior and young adult members must provide their full date of birth and be linked to an adult member. The proprietor reserves the right to reject an application for membership at any time without stating a reason.

Membership bands - Each member will be issued with a membership band. Photographs must be taken of all members, by a staff member when joining. The Membership bands remain the property of Ribby Hall Village and upon termination for any reason shall be returned to Ribby Hall Village. For security purposes please be prepared to present your membership band as and when requested. We reserve the right to refuse entry without production of a membership band. If the band is passed to another person to gain entry then the member can be excluded from the club. Replacement of the membership bands will be  chargeable.

Conduct - Members shall conduct themselves in a quiet, well-mannered, fashion when in or around the Village, and in a manner that will not disturb or detract from the use and enjoyment of the facilities by other members and their guests. Any form of physical or verbal abuse to any other member, guest or staff may result in exclusion. Members shall be suitably dressed in accordance with their activity at all times. Refusal of admittance shall be made to those who appear to be intoxicated in any way. Smoking is not permitted in any area of the complex.

Children - For safety reasons and in order to ensure the general amenity of the facilities, children under the age of 12 years of age must be fully supervised by an accompanying adult at all times.

Swimming pools - Members are responsible for their own safety. For the comfort of members, the use of some equipment in the pool areas are prohibited. This does not apply to armbands or other swimming aids for non-swimmers. No glass or porcelain containers are allowed in the pool areas, showers, or change facilities. All children under the age of 12 years must be accompanied by an adult swimmer, who must remain in the pool with them at all times. No running or diving in the pool area is allowed. Swimming ratios comprise:

 1 adult to 1 child under 4yrs old; 1 adult to 2 children 4-7 yrs old; 1 adult to 4 children 8-12 yrs old. In the interest of hygiene, members are requested to shower before entering each pool. The adult pool and adult changing rooms are strictly for the use of members and village residents over 16 years of age only.

Sauna / steam room - In the interest of safety, please read the instructions on the sauna / steam room before entry. No body creams, oils or plastic wraps of any type are permitted in the sauna / steam room. Shaving in      the sauna / steam room is strictly prohibited. The sauna / steam room       are mixed and members and guests are required to wear swimming costumes whilst using these facilities. Children under 16 years of age are  not permitted to use the sauna / steam    room.

Personal possessions - Ribby Hall Village shall not be held responsible for any articles lost or stolen on the premises. Do not leave clothes or any other personal possessions in the pool areas, or gymnasium. Please ensure all personal possessions are securely locked in the lockers provided using personal padlocks where necessary.

 Spa pools - Please do not jump in the spa pools. All shampoos, bubble baths, etc. are forbidden. Children under 5 years of age are not permitted to use the spa pools. It is also recommended that use of the spa pools   by children between the ages of 5 and 12 years should be restricted to 7 minutes for health reasons. Anyone suffering from any medical conditions should seek medical advice before using the spa pools. For health reasons it is not advisable for anyone pregnant to use the spa pools.

Gymnasium - All new members must consult an instructor for an induction programme and complete a Physical Readiness Questionnaire for a safe and beneficial workout. In the interest of safety, entrants to the gymnasium must be 14 years of age or over. Members are asked to dress appropriately and maintain the standards of the gymnasium. All persons working out must wear tops at all times. The company will not be responsi- ble for any injuries caused by misadventure.

Squash / badminton / tennis / table tennis / classes – Non-marking soles must be worn on all indoor courts/studios. A 24-hour notice period is required for persons not honouring or cancelling their court. Failure to adhere to this ruling will result in persons being requested to pay the full court / fee(s). All members must check in to their desired class at all times.

Car parking – All vehicles are parked at the owners risk. Ribby Hall Village accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to any vehicles within the premises. A 10mph speed limit is to be adhered to at all times.

 Liability - Each member and guest engaging in sport & leisure activities or making use of its facilities is responsible for ensuring that he or she is properly equipped and that his or her state of health and physical condition are such as not to involve any risk to him or herself or any other person making use of the facilities. It is hereby understood and agreed that Ribby Hall Village accepts no responsibility for accident, injury or misadventure caused to or suffered by members on the Village’s premises howsoever caused. Only to the extent caused by the wilful default or negligence of Ribby Hall Village, its servants or agents. Members are responsible for their own insurance in respect of injuries suffered.

Termination of membership - A cooling off period of 14 days applies to a contractual membership. The cooling off period commences on the day the membership application is submitted and cancellation must be received by the club in writing within this 14 day period. One month’s written notice for termination of membership is required unless contrac-tual conditions apply. Loyalty points accrued must be redeemed within 1 month. Ribby Hall Village will seek payment of all outstanding fees including those due within a contractual agreement. Any membership fees accrued are not refundable. Any member who abuses the facilities or who acts in a way that constitutes a safety hazard or detracts from the enjoyment of others will have their membership terminated immediately. Ribby Hall Village cannot refund, backdate or suspend any membership fees in the event of: illness, pregnancy, injury or relocation, unless agreed with the management, written proof from a doctor may be requested by the management. The proprietor or his delegate may expel from The Village any member whose conduct on the premises is such as shall, in his opinion, be injurious to the character of the facilities or the interest of the members. A member expelled shall forfeit all of the privileges and rights against Ribby Hall  Village.

Change of rules - The management reserve the right to amend the rules of the Health Club facilities at any time without prior notice to members and to add additional rules when required.

Complaints and disputes - Any complaint concerning the facilities or any other dispute of difference over interpretation of these rules shall be referred to the management, whose decision is final.

Company alterations - Ribby Hall Village shall be entitled, without prior notice, to vary the times at which the facilities are available for any period connected with repair, alterations or maintenance of the facilities or other areas of The Village, or when such facilities are required for the company’s own use in connection with the business of The Village.


Contents are correct at time of going to print. Copyright Ribby Hall Village 11/2023

Payment schedule

Direct Debit Instructions

Please print off and retain for your records.

Name of account holder:

Bank / Building Society Sort Code:

Account Number:


Instruction to your bank / building society
to pay by Direct Debit.

Service User Number:

Instruction to your bank or building society:

Please pay W&G Harrison Ltd Direct Debits from the account detailed in this instruction, subject to safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee.

I understand that this instruction may remain with W&G Harrison Ltd and details will be passed electronically to my bank / building society.

Direct Debit Guarantee

The Direct Debit Guarantee

  • This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that take part in the Direct Debit Scheme. The efficiency and security of the Scheme is monitored and protected by your bank or building society.
  • If the amounts to be paid or the payment dates change, W&G Harrison Ltd will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed.
  • If an error is made by W&G Harrison Ltd or your bank or building society, you are guaranteed a full and immediate refund from your branch for the amount paid.
  • You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by writing to your bank or building society. Please also send a copy of your letter to W&G Harrison Ltd.

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