1.0 The Cairn Group Health and Leisure Clubs
1.1 The Cairn Group Health and Leisure Clubs, herein
referred to as the
Club, are operated by The Cairn Group (the Proprietor).
1.2 All entrance fees, subscriptions and other receipts
shall become the
property of the Proprietor and on cancellation or
termination of any
membership no refund will be made to che member of any part
of the
initial subscription fee or monthly membership fee payments.
1.3 It is a condition of acceptance of membership that the
member agrees
to pay the initial subscription fee and agrees to be bound
by these terms
and conditions.
2.0 Payment
2.1 The initial subscription fee must be submitted either:
2.1.1 in full on acceptance by the Club Management of an
application fo
membership: Or
Payable monthlv reesent plan on the dav of
2.1.2 By entering into an approved Club
joining. Fees are s of usage.
2.2 All Club members agree to maintain membership for the
period as stated within their membership application from
the date of
joining. In the event of the member terminating membership
during this
period, the member agrees to immediately pay a cancellation
fee as ser as a
minimum of 50% of the remaining membership fees owed.
2.3 The Proprietor reserves the right to specify or amend
the form in
which payment shall be made e.g. from bankers standing order
to direct
2.4 If you have signed an agreed Monthly Payment by Direct
Debit or
any other means, the following conditions apply:
2.4.1 If either your monthly Direct Debit or any form of
payment is not honoured for any reason, you shall pay the
Club on
demand, an administraion fee of up to £20 for each
transaction failure
(to be charged or waived at our discretion) along with any
outstanding membership fees.
2.4.2 It is not the Clubs responsibility for any disputes
berween the
member and their bank,
2.4.3 It is the member's responsibility to advise us
immediately in writing
of any change to your banking or payment derails, or any
other changes to
member's details.
2.4.4 If you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement
for a period
of more than 30 days, then all outstanding payments may be
passed to a
third party for collection. Any additional costs incurred
will be borne by
the individual who the membership agreement is with,
including costs in
tracing you, should you have changed your address without
notification to the Club Manager
3.0 Membership/Assignment
3.1 The Proprietor reserves the right to reject any
application for
membership of the Club without giving any prior notice.
3.2 Membership is personal to the member at che Club
premises for
which membership is granted and cannot be transferred.
3.3 The Proprietor may assign the benefit of this agreement
to any person,
firm or company at any time and will use its reasonable
endeavours to give
each member prior written notice of any assignment.
3.4 Single Peak and Single Of-Peak Membership.
Available to individuals of at least 16 (sixteen) years of
age. Single
Membership is entitled to the full use of club facilities
during che opening
hours applicable to the membership access rights.
3.4.2 Corporate Membership
A Corporate Member is entitled to all the privileges of
Single Peak
Membership. It is available only where at least 6 (six)
individuals from one
organisation take up and maintain membership. The membership
non-transferrable except where the initial subscription fee
and monthly
dues are paid by one organisation in which case the
individual entitlement
may be transferred at the nomination of the organisation.
The Corporate
Membership shall not be transferred from one organisation to
another. A
small charge will be made for transferring memberships. All
Memberships must be supported by an applicable form of
which names the member as an employee of the applicable
3.4.3 Single Off-Peak Membership
Single Of-Peak Membership is available to an individual
member who
will be entitled to full use of Club facilities during the
stipulated off peak
hours only.
3.4.4 Child Membership
Child members are children under the age of 16 (sixteen) who
permanently resident in the household of parents who are
3.4.5 Student Membership
A Student Member is entitled to all the privileges of single
membership. It is available to those in full time education.
All student
memberships must supported with an applicable form of
which names the member as a student with the applicable
3.4.6 Any change in a Member's postal address, email address
with the membership), telephone number or bank details
should be given
in writing to the Club Management at the Club premises where
4.0 Fees
4.1 An initial subscription fee and monthly membership fee
(which may
change from time to time) shall be payable for each class of
The Club Management shall give 30 (thirty) days written
notice of any
changes in tche monthly membership fee. The Club facilities
not included
within the monthly membership fee (and charges for their
use) may
change from time to time. Separate charges will be levied
for beauty
therapy and bar/restaurant facilities which are not included
in the
monthly membership fee.
4.2 The Club Management has the right to increase the monthly
membership fee once in the contracted period. Notification
of price
s will appear on the club noticeboard and be communicated
increases y
5.0 Admission to the Club Premises
Spa and cannot
5.1 Membership of the Club is exclusive to The Harrogate Sp
be transferred or used to access any other leisure club
within the group
without prior arrangement and at the discretion of the site
Leisure Club
Manager or General Manager
5.2 Access to the Club is available during the published
opening hours
which the The Harrogate Spa has the right to vary with prior
8.0 Children
8.1 Child members may use certain facilitics (as determincd
by the Club
Management). Child members must be accompanied by the adult
member at all times who will be responsible for the conduct,
safety and
supervision of the child. The hours during which children
may be
admitted may vary from time to time.
8.2 Child members under 16 (sixteen) years of age may only
use the
swimming pool with adult supervision.
9.0 Dress
9.1 Appropriate dress must be worn at all times on the Club
premises and
during activity classes. Trainers must be worn when using
the equipment
in the Club gymnasium.
10.0 Reservations
10.1 All reservations for services and/or programmes shall
be made up to
1 (one) weck in advance. 24 (twenty four) hours notice is
required to
cancel any such reservations and upon shorter notice the
member who has
made the reservation shall be charged the full amount unless the appointment can be refilled.
Please print off and retain for your records. Name of account holder: Bank / Building Society Sort Code: Account Number: Date: |
![]() to pay by Direct Debit. Service User Number: Instruction to your bank or building society: Please pay Minhoco 71 Ltd Direct Debits from the account detailed in this instruction, subject to safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this instruction may remain with Minhoco 71 Ltd and details will be passed electronically to my bank / building society. |
![]() The Direct Debit Guarantee